In Honor Of Our Heros

Beyond the Beach Vacation and BBQ: Remembering the True Meaning of Memorial Day

May 27, 20242 min read

Beyond the Beach Vacation and BBQ: Remembering the True Meaning of Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend is upon us. Hot dogs are sizzling, beach umbrellas and chairs are beckoning, and many see it as the unofficial kick-off to summer. But amidst the barbecues, pool parties, and crashing waves let's not lose sight of the day's true purpose: honoring those who gave their all in service to our country.

We remember the fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Men and women who bravely answered the call, leaving families and loved ones behind to fight for our freedoms.

But here's something many forget: Memorial Day isn't just for human heroes. Our courageous K-9 comrades also deserve our deepest respect. Military Working Dogs (MWDs) serve alongside their handlers, sniffing out explosives, protecting troops, and saving countless lives. Just like human soldiers, some MWDs make the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

We also need to remember a time when our military was not as advanced; History shows that animals and mammals like horses, mules, donkeys, camels, and dolphins were asked to be brave and give their lives. Honor and recognition need to be given to all.   

This Memorial Day, let's go beyond the burgers and brews. Here's how to turn it into a day of remembrance:

  • Visit a nearby cemetery and place flags on veteran's graves. A small gesture with a powerful impact.

  • Attend a local Memorial Day ceremony or parade. Show your support for veterans and active duty personnel.

  • Learn about a specific MWD who served our country. Read their story, share it with others, and honor their bravery.

  • Donate to a charity that supports veterans or MWD programs. Every little bit helps those who served and continue to serve.

Memorial Day is a time to remember the sacrifices made for our freedom. Let's honor all who served, two, four-legged and fin alike, by making it more than just a day off. Let's make it a day of remembrance.

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